We are living in the information age. This concept simply implies that people who are the most current, the most accurate and who have the most detailed information, will prosper ahead of those who go about life with half-baked and unreliable information. Knowledge is power, but access to knowledge is empowerment. The Foundation institutes programs, which ensure that Nigerian youths can make educated use of opportunities for effective participation, sustain democratic, tolerant and just societies. Our programs are poised to facilitate effective economic, political, social and cultural participation of Nigerian youths. The Foundation affirms that Youth empowerment includes the participation of young men and women not only in decision-making, but also in society, through access to education, employment and health, as well as to resources.

Our youth-focused projects and activities are conceived with a sole mandate to stimulate activities geared towards Youth development, focusing on six broad areas: Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Employability, Enterprise development, Leadership and Inclusion. These programs enable young people to realize the dreams, visions, motivation, knowledge and skills that they already have.

The Foundation executes programs that positively impact the psyche of youths and develop their self-esteem, perseverance, belief in the future, goal-setting, and values; equipping them with appropriate life-skills, training experiences for self-development, productivity, creativity and dependency. Technology and digital transfer have become the heart of human development and sustainability. The Digital Economy, simply put, is a catchphrase for all forms of economic transactions, exchanges and activities that are based on digital technologies and in the digital space and internet. The outbreak COVID-19 Pandemic revealed that more than ever, it is vital for African Youths to be prepared for the digital economy and the future of work. The World Development Report 2019 notes that the labour market of the future will require new skills including digital fluency, creative thinking, problem-solving, collaborations, empathy and adaptability. With these new demands in place, it would be remiss, if African Youths, the continent’s biggest assets, are not well-equipped with the requisite skills to engage in the growing digital economy. The Foundation concentrates on programs that equip Youths with relevant digital and ICT skills. These include, though not limited to domain expertise, computer programming and applications development, data analytics, and information security.

The Foundation incorporate, encourage and promote the use of Technology in its programs centered on Climate Change Presently, Nigeria is Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. Nigeria ratified the Convention and the Protocol in 1994 and 2004 respectively. Also, the Paris Agreement has been adopted, signed by the President. As regards Climate Change, The Foundation positively position Youths to work with experts to influence policy and enlighten those in authorities and the populace on the economic, political, scientific, and legal and implications of issues in these regards, benefits and solution. This is to ensure a sustainable development which put at its heart meeting the needs of today’s world without compromising the ability of future generations meeting their needs and achieved via advocacy, outreaches, publications, policy intervention and education.

TAD Foundation

Tosin Abimbola Dokpesi Foundation (TAD FOUNDATION) is an NGO with keen interest in global issues of development, especially Africa-related issues – with special focus on women, children and youth]

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