

We are thrilled to share the successful execution of the PROJECT PAD HER in Idu-Koro Secondary School, Abuja, on the 12th of July 2023 reaching a milestone of empowering 400 girls.
In Partnership with Pad-up Africa and Fowgi for Positive Change Organization, supported by AIT live, 7 up Nigeria, Sbc Nigeria, Bakangizo Stores, and private individuals, we embarked on a mission to promote menstrual hygiene Management among students. And today, we proudly celebrate the impact we have made together!
Throughout the project, we conducted engaging sessions, providing essential knowledge to the girls about healthy menstrual cycles and tips, debunked myths and rumors, and encouraged them to help fight period poverty by being their sister’s keeper. Our awareness campaigns within the school community have played a vital role in breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation.
The enthusiastic participation and eagerness to learn from the girls have been truly inspiring!
If we are to end period poverty, then it is everybody’s business.
Thank you, everyone, for donating to end period poverty, for sharing and spreading the word, and supporting the team thus far!
It’s hard to imagine what our team and plan would be without God and, your help and endless support.
Together, we have created an environment where open discussions and empathy thrive, fostering inclusivity and support for all.

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